Some Quizzes I've taken
What Color R U!!!! |
Green You are adventous and wild. |
How do you compare? Take this test! Tests from Testriffic |
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that's why they call it the present"
What Color R U!!!! |
Green You are adventous and wild. |
How do you compare? Take this test! Tests from Testriffic |
Posted by
Vanessa X
9:08 AM
Posted by
Vanessa X
10:03 PM
The project for Art Appreciation, a hand-made collage. The Left side is a tiny bit cut out because it didn't fit in my scanner. I used pictures from the Internet and just print them out, paste them onto the cardboard, but of course before doing that I made a pretty cool background, with four simple colors and textures. The one in the middle, color light brown with writing on it, is my story I just printed it out on the light brown paper, and ta-da! A background ^-^! I hope the professor hands it back to me. I want to put it up in my room.
Anyways, jeez long time since I wrote here. Well, not much is going on, but college is pretty tough. Study, study, study and more studying. Tough test, quizes, exams and all that.
Posted by
Vanessa X
4:19 PM
In there is an article about the making of Maximum Ride Movie. Read it, it is very interesting thought I think they might had done a mistake. Look for yourself.
"Producer Avi Arad has optioned film rights to James Patterson's young-adult bestseller "Maximum Ride" with hopes of turning the property into a major franchise."
Posted by
Vanessa X
2:16 PM
This trailer is based on one of James Patterson's bestselling books Maximum Ride. The clips from the trailer were taken from other movies, I suppose.I recognized the first few clips from Harry Potter. But, all in all, It super darn awesome!! Watch it! It gave me chills.
Posted by
Vanessa X
3:35 PM
Just found the new video I've been wanting to post up. It's the new video ----well the lastest one--- of Maximum Ride, Night Flight. It's pretty cool, but I didn't quite liked the animation or whatever you call it. They look too computerized. But besides that I thought it was freaking cool. ^-^
Posted by
Vanessa X
11:35 AM
Well I was scheming through Rob Thurman's website and guess what I found out!!! Rob Thurman is in fact a girl... I thought she was a guy. I mean judging by the name, Rob Thurman, and the fact that I never really troubled looking up the gender of the author. Not that it matters, but I was like, OMG Rob is a girl! I'm astounded, it's amazing how she goes into the minds of guys and how she can make her characters real and cool. I mean I have no clue what goes in the mind of a guy. And when I write a story it is pretty hard thinking like a boy... I have no freaking idea what goes through there mind!
Yay! Rob Thurman Rocks!!
Her next book is Madhouse, coming out on 2008, and I can't wait to read it!
I totally love her books! And I heart Cal and Niko ^-^!
It makes sense doesn't it. Niko, Cal and Goodfellow are described very handsomely. Why coudn't I see that before? Only woman know how to describe very sexy men. ^-~ And there were some other things I also notice, but I don't feel like explaning them all.
Goodnight, everybody.
Posted by
Vanessa X
10:09 PM
My sister is just reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows I told her not to tell me about it. But she let out some spoilers.
==== *SPOILERS*==== Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollows======***
Like: Hedwig dying.... and that Harry begin to cry... is that true?? Well I'll be reading it soon so I'll see. Anyways [hehe] that's the only spoiler, my sister let out.
Posted by
Vanessa X
2:38 PM
Best songs I heard in this month.
2.] Serial Sleepers by House of Heroes
Wake the dead.
Serial sleepers slay with words unsaid.
Sleep, with the light on.
And keep the loneliness away;I feel the darkness anyway.
And I, wish for the dawn.
Rise up, O Sons of God,and sing the song that hides behind your teeth.
These ears have longed to hear.
On my own.
Waiting for the light. be still
Save our souls from all our dreams come true
1.] Pythons, Awake! by Pompeii
Bad enough i bought into that bit.
yeah, my hometown was an untapped oil field
storing profits, those wallets begged for change
and everyone's growing up just the same.
no, that isn't love, that's just called insecurity.
jump that ship it's sinking
you might float to the top, but you'll never be credible
on your feet, on the ground
how to see it coming, how to see it after
on your feet and on the ground
how to see it coming, how to spot it faster.
Ride it out, write it down then crumble up that paper
along with your career you steer down dead end streets.
Those sounds have gotten stale and tired,
running from every critique.
they're nervous and sweating, waiting for all to explode
in your face, in your hands
how to see it coming, how to see it after
in your face and in your hands
how to see it coming, how to spot it faster.
An update: Currently reading Moonshine by Rob Thurman.
It seem's Harry Potter will have to wait. :(
Posted by
Vanessa X
4:00 PM
Posted by
Vanessa X
2:14 PM
I gotta say Twilight was a very good book. I don't believe it, but I loved it. At first I thought it was going to be about bloody, sucking vampires but then ---- it wasn't. I love Twilight and can't wait to read New Moon. I recommend this book to all those girls who love romantic stories. This book gives me freaking chills, even when I think about it. Well anyways, since the Harry Potter book will be coming out in about two weeks, I guess I'll be reading HP first. I won't miss it at all. OMG! It's the last book from the HP series, I can't believe it. Well I gotta believe it because the OotP movie was awesome. I give it a two thumbs up! I loved the beginning, but of course like most movies made out from a book, are missing very-awaiting parts and that's the bad news: The movie was missing parts that i really wanted to see.
Well long time I haven't post up. I don't have interesting news, just news that will bored you. So I won't waste time writing that. But so far my summer has been good. Not bad at all. I haven't found a job, so that sucks, but I'm not in hurry to find one, perhaps when I enter college, then I'll be desperate to find a job. -__- But besides that, my sister's and I have been renting some movies, I've been losing a lot of weight.... Some great news huh. -_- Anyways, I've been traveling too ^-^! I went to Mexico to visit my family. The weather is torture over there, it's freaking hot. No rain, just the hot, blinding sun.
That's about it. I've been working on my story, it's coming out pretty good. Can't wait to finish it. Something really bothers me,thought, I have no idea what I want to study. I love writing and reading, perhaps an English teacher... or not.... don't really wan to be that. Ugh... I'm so scared, because of that. I hope I find something that I truly love. I was planing to be a veterinarian or a musician but what the heck. Everything is confusing or perhaps I'm just out of my mind.... *sigh*
Posted by
Vanessa X
12:26 PM
You must go to, NOW. Erasers have trashed it! At first I was like WTF is going on! I was so stunned I couldn't believe my eyes. Plus there might not be no movie after all... is that true... because I was like going crazy voting! I feel so excited and uneasy at the same time... what is going on? What will the flock do now? So is there going to be a fourth book? I just don't know. So many questions in mind. Oh by the way what's up with the color of the mouse, mines green and some people are saying their's is pink or something. Despite all that unexpected scene there is good news, which is obvious, we reached 5,000,000!!!! Yay....... now what???
For now I'm going be coloring the whole screen in green. You know just becouse I'm bored.....
Posted by
Vanessa X
9:26 PM
I just finished Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports. A few words about it Awesome, Heroic, and freaking Extreme!!!! Yay Max and the flock totally saved the world! The 3rd book total kicked ass, I literally mean it, it- well they kicked some butt! The flock fought like heroes, they fought for what they believe was right and many were with them 100%. Destroy Itex! Aah yes that was fun. Destroying the evil was incredible. I totally recommend this book to everyone around the humongous, big world. All you better read it, because it will take you into this crazy roller coaster! Enough, enough... Anyways probably almost half the world read this book already, because it even has its own commercial and let me tell you, it was cool! So, what does half the world think about the book? I have no idea but I'll give you a clue Maximum Ride is shooting for Hollywood and we need to click all the away to 5,000,000 clicks so the movie will be started. As I'm writing this the number 4,791,406 is going higher and higher and closer and closer to 5,000,000 clicks. And in two days, according to my calculations, there will be 5,000,000 clicks from people all over the freaking world!! That help it get it there! Can you believe that! Now that tells you a lot, doesn't it. That's extremely good news for MR Fans. I been clicking a lot myself, plus every 100 clicks donates books to children in need. Isn't that awesome.
For now I'm done with Maximum Ride, and really hope for a next book, but if it's the last one then, than I'm fine with it because MR is just that good. When I bought MR3 I also bought Twilight, I'm just cool like that, I like buying two books at the same time, I don't know why. Anyways my sister is reading it right now and as soon as she's done I'm next to reading it, and my sister will be next to read Maximum Ride. Man, I already told her, the book will not let her fall sleep, it's just too good to put it down. Right? Anywho, I was never a fanatic of vampires, (blood-sucking thieves), never, but it won't hurt to read a story about them. Would it? According to my sis Twilight by Stephenie Meyer is a vampire story, well she says it's not quite like I imagine it. I hope not, well Twilight I'm giving you a chance. The reason I got it at first, and I knew It was about vampires, was because my sis was all over talking how good people talked about it. That's why I got it. Bleah.... So, I'm off reading Twilight.... as soon as my sis comes back from summer school because I think she took it....Oh no wait! As soon as she's done with it. Hehe...
Posted by
Vanessa X
10:18 AM
Surprise, surprise! There will be a Harry Potter theme park at Orlando, Florida. How cool is that. With Hogsmeade, Hogwarts Castle, and the Forbidden Forest, in store. However, opening in 2010!! -__- Can't wait, but probably I won't go like 10 years ago I had a dream of going to Disney World but never happen. [lol] Though that doesn't mean I'll ever go, I'll be there!! 0_0 Right, anyways, tomorrow is a big day for the graduates of 2007. When I mean a big day I mean a big day, with long hours of sitting in a chair waiting for your name to be called to get your diploma. It even sounds boring when I say it... BUT! After that is time! Time to celebrate! With friends all! And then have some more fun in the summer then when it's all over we wait... for the hard work to begin again... *tears*
Posted by
Vanessa X
11:57 AM
This are some pictures I found in Deviant Art, I was just searching for Harry Potter and found some really neat ones. I decided to post them up.
1. #1 is a pretty awesome sketch of Harry
2. Two, reminded me of Superman, I love it, I think Harry looks handsome there.
3. Three was funny, I'm not that fanatic of anime HPs but this one is pretty cool. I can imagine Sirius saying: “Do my homework or I’ll smack your face on the table…” [lol] Poor Lupin.
4. This picture was pretty astounding. I like it! Draco looks pretty cool there. ^-^
5. I thought this one looked cute
6. #6 is awesome, it's a neat drawing of Sirius and the trio. I don't know who those two on the back are... any quesses? Well I believe their Lupin and...?... I give up...
7. What the freak!? This is a really cute drawing of Harry! Awwww so cute! ^0^
8. This picture is amazing. Like the colors and the expression on their faces. Haha! Awww look at Pig...
9. Wow #9 is neat.
So which do you like best?
Posted by
Vanessa X
11:02 PM
I passed all my classes except pre-calculus but screw that subject, I'm graduating! Yay! 2007 graduates! On June the 2nd is the big day. I bought my dress, cap and gown, tassel and got some pretty neat things that go with my gown, signifying honor. ^_~. I'm proud, my parents are proud, everything is good...for now. Just yesterday me and my friends went to celebrate our graduation at Cici's Pizza, we had fun laughing and arguing. Then we passed to the library just to relax, where we spend sometime on the net, then finally me and Keyla (best friend) left to McDonald's to eat an icecream cone. And today, man at 8:45 we had to be at school to practice our routine for the graduation ceremony, it was 12:30 when we left and went to Jagz to eat for free. It was a little something from the principle to the seniors, some kind of farewell thing. But anyways we left Jagz and went to leave some friends at their house and then me and Keyla, were going to Barnes and Novels to buy Maximum Ride 3! But then we decided to go the library and just relax. Next time, maybe next week, when we have more time, we're going to the book store and buy MR3, can't wait to read it!
Posted by
Vanessa X
11:30 PM
More of Maximum Ride!
Cool I think she make a good Max,I totally love the scene of New York. Can't wait to real book 3 and watch the movie. Well actually I believe the movie will come until 2008....that sucks. :(
Posted by
Vanessa X
4:49 PM
At last! Maximum Ride is here and the book as well! Yay can't wait to buy it!
Posted by
Vanessa X
2:07 PM
Okay can anybody tell me who is that quote from? Take a good guess because the person is so famous that when somebody says pirate they think off.... Captain Jack Sparrow!! Yay!.... just gave the answer away... all well. So the weekend wasn't bad -_-... We didn't have school on Friday and my nerdy sister did, so Mwahahahah! Just jocking sis, you know I'm just kidding. I was going to the movies but I ended up finishing some government project (who's the nerd now) anyways I had to find an article and define some political words. Jeez, I'm glad this will be over soon, I don't think I'll be able to handle another year of Governments that's why I'm trying to pass it. No problemo, this 6 weeks is going fast as the speed of light... (hyperbole/simile) Okay so this summer I'll be working and getting some money in my hand, can't wait... becouse I'll get to buy my own car and some other stuff... (I hope) it all depends on College and financial aid. Anyway my friend keyla was going to come to my house to finish some scholarships, but she never came so I was watching movies all day yesterday. I watch Butterfly Effect which got pretty boring after watching it 100 times!!! (hyperbole again) It's all my sister's fault, then we watch Van Hellsing which was much better but besides all this old movies I felt like going outside and I ended up having fun with my dog. My little sweety runs like a flash and he's just a poodle. His really hyper and energetic, I should take him to park one of this day so he chase the ducks out their feathers, (hehe). Pretty good week end. The End.... -_-.... whatever...
Posted by
Vanessa X
1:10 PM
Pretty cool sketches of Max, I wonder why they haven't sketch Fang... I want to see Fang! And the flock. Wow I can't believe it, this is actually the first book I read, that has characters with wings. So true! And movie... I've never seen a movie with characters that have wings, I heard some before but never seen them. Only on cartoons but they don't count. That's why I love Maximum Ride! Who is ready for Maximum Ride 3? Coming up on May 26. Yay, 17 more days! Maximum Ride 3 is going to kick ass. James Patterson is one of my favorite writers and can't wait to buy book 3, I've collected enough money to buy it ^-^. So, what ya all think about the two girls auditioning for the role of Max. I vote for Nicole, I think she acted fairly. I've read some comments on the forum that they sucked at acting but I don't think they did. People just don't know how imagine them as Max. Oh, by the way does anybody know who's the director of the movie? Jeez, the movie is coming out in 2008 by the time... probably late june or who knows.
Posted by
Vanessa X
8:22 PM
Gaia Online, some interactive place where you can design you own avatar. It so much fun, when your bored ^_^. And that's my avi to your left and my sisters is to your right. I envy her cute hat >:P. I want one too! Waaaa! My sister's is so punkish, hehe, anyways mine looks as thought she's going to a banquet or ceremony. Visit our profiles if you don't mind. Mine is called NightAngels and my sister's is called xScaryKiddx.
Posted by
Vanessa X
12:39 PM
Have you ever heard of an ordinary person saving a life? I'm certain you have. Perhaps rarely in a strange bizzare way or perhaps just the power to help. How about our soldiers fighting in Iraq, leaving no man behind and fighting to protect our country. Who said a hero must have supernatural powers, or must fly like superman but just the strength and will to help can make us powerful. I always wanted to meet a hero and perhaps I have.
Think of a hero, your hero is unique remember it's your own hero. How do you imagine him or her? Here's the project draw your hero and send it to me and I'll post it up in my blog and for the best creative and powerful I'll make a special page for it in my website. ^-^
Posted by
Vanessa X
7:52 PM
I just thought this songs fit well with my story. Since I heard them almost all the time I wrote Clocks. And feel that they are already part of my story. The first song is from Black Hawks Down (Soundtrack) Ashes to Ashes is a really mysterious kind of desert song so I believe it goes great with the story. It brings the desert life in Clocks to life and the 5th one is from Batman soundtrack, I believe. In Clocks it brings the mystery part of life from all the supernatural things that occur in my story. The 3rd one is my favorite, It brings Jane's adventures world to life. "He's A Pirate" is a great adventure song and obviously it's meant to be for pirates. But if I could find another adventurous song I do think it would fit better with my story. However, for now "He's a Pirate" is for Jane. I'll keep searching, though. The 2nd song "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" is part of Anhur's life (the Angel of Time). Anhur grew being torture by the Egyptian monster's, death might have taken him but as he comes back from the dead...well can't tell you more, you'll have to read. Lastly I have Clocks by Coldplay #4, guess were I got inspired to write the story... yep, Clocks by Coldplay... I just don't know in what way I got inspired, but I did and it all begin with the name. Then It became this whole archaeologist adventure through the Egyptian desert. And so Clocks came to life...
1. Ashes to Ashes by Hanz Zimmer
2. Bullet with Butterfly Wings by Smashing Pumpkins
3. He's A Pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean
4. Clocks by Coldplay
5. The Beginning is the End is the Beginning by Smashing Pumpkins
Posted by
Vanessa X
11:06 PM
I was just hearing the Batman Begins soundtrack, it is incredible! I love it! The music is haunting and magical. I usually hear soundtracks to inspire me to imagine my stories. I like this particular soundtrack because it is both breathtaking and awe-inspiring. There are many movements to the songs that will just take you into another world. One of the songs that I like from the Batman movies is by Danny Elfman The Batman Movie Theme, it's so freaking awesome. I also hear one of Spiderman's song it's also by Danny Elfman. This guy makes such amazing music, I never get tired of hearing them. Hanz Zimmers is another amazing musician, the best song so far, I’ve heard from him is the one from Black Hawk Down, called Gortoz A Ran-J'Attends and Eptisicus from Batman Begins. Without music I just don't know what could possibly inspire me to write my stories. Music is part of my life and surely it’s part of many peoples life. I begin to love this kind of music when I begin understanding the whole soul of the French horn. It truly did inspired me, and now I can’t let go of my French horn, because I feel as though I’m going to lose a part of me. I’ll be playing my French horn till end of time. Not only music inspires me to write stories but also people. My friends inspire me by the way they act. Or just by taking a day at the park, walking at the mall, watching a movie, reading the newspaper, reading stories, searching interesting news, art (specially art), riding in the car, in class (sometimes I just daze out and ideas start popping in my head) things like that inspire me to write my stories. Many things that I see, or happen to bump into my head.
Posted by
Vanessa X
6:22 PM
This is one of my stories which I've been working on. This story is called Clocks and it is dedicated to my pals. Keyla, Jocelyn, Veronica, Monica, Orly and my sisters Valerie and Jasmin. I had this idea of writing a story about an archaeologist and this is how it came out. Hope you all like it.
Chapter 1
For whole two months, I had been on a long journey with my mom, and finally we were back to our sweet luxurious home, with many new artifacts in our hands and rare discoveries as well. My mom devoted her job, she was an archaeologist, and I supported her in every way, because I loved to see the ruins that she and her teammates always discovered on these kinds of excavations. Well, it had all turn out wonderful for her and her teammates, but for me it had turned out into a dangerous adventure, not including jumping off high rocks and getting dust up with dirt and sand.
It had all started on the third day of the second month of the journey. I was helping my mother dust off the sand from a discovery-concealed dip into the sand hills. When this little insect was digging his way up from the sand and when it did show his nasty little self, it glared at me with creepy glossy red eyes. I scream and jump back knocking one of the teammates into a pool of water that was use for clean the artifacts that were found. I stood up and started stomping the ground trying to squash the little critter but it was very fast. Then I notice, as I made myself look ridiculous, that it carried a small mysterious silver ring around its neck. Instead of smashing it with my foot, now that he was trap in a corner, I grabbed it and tossed it inside a small container, and quickly jammed it inside my shoulder bag.
“Jane, are you alright?” asked my mom.
“I’m fine,” I said dusting off my dress. Note to all girls: Never ever, wear a dress on a journey to the desert.
“Jane, why don’t you just go and check out the new discovery with Phil.” she said with a chuckle noticing how much sand I had all over me.
It was a demand so …“Alright, mom” I obeyed. Therefore, I made my way toward Phil, where he was working restlessly on some sort of compass.
“Hello, Jane” he said, looking silly with his high leveled spectacles of observation, that made his eyes look three times as huge as they were already.
I giggled silently.
“Want to see the new discovery”
“Of course”
He opened a bag carefully, got something out that much looked like the compass he was examining on, and handed it to me.
“Careful, don’t touch the lens there” he said pointing his finger right into the middle of the compass thing.
I looked at it amazed, it had so many small objects in it that I could not help myself but touch them. Phil made a sound of disapproval.
“Alright, give it here already” he said.
“No!” I snatch it before he could lay one of his bony fingers on it. “I mean… what is it?” I said looking at him innocently.
He took off the silly spectacles off and looked at me seriously.
“It is a clock”
“A clock, I thought it was compass”
“It is a clock, because it has the mechanical gadgets, see,” he pointed to small circles that supposedly had to move the clock.
“Where are the minute hand and the hour hand?” I asked taking more interest on it.
“That is what I’m trying to figure out” Phil said. “Now if I can have it back, I can figure it out.” He tried taking it away from me again, but I quickly snatched it away from him.
“But you have another one there” I said walking away with the mysterious clock.
“Jane! I’m telling your mother!”
“She’s the one that found them”
I growled. “Fine” So I handed it to him careful as he had when he had handed it to me the first time.
“Jane” he said as I walked away toward my sleeping tent. “Yes?” I questioned.
“Time is valuable”
“Just telling you”
“Oh…good night” I said sound uninterested.
“Good night, don’t let the bed bugs bite” he teased.
Ignoring him, I walked toward my tent. The night was growing cold and the constellations appeared brightly in the sky. I opened my bag, and took out the small container where the ugly little bug was crawling. I carefully examined it, and poked it with my finger and then when I was sure it was all right, I made him crawled into my hand. I carefully slid the ring off it and dropped the bug into the container, it stared at me more eerily than before, and it gave me a chill running up my spine. I put my quilt over it just so I would not feel the critter watching me with its creepy eyes. I stared at the ring and put it on, something told me that things like this might cause a serious of unfortunate events if I kept meddling with them, but nothing happened at all. Just to pass my time I took my telescope out and started observing the starry constellations, though little by little I started noticing that the sounds of the archaeologists were beginning to fade away. I got up from my tent and carefully walked into the working area, but as though time begin to slow, I felt myself struggle a bit more and more as I moved my legs. I felt as if I was walking in a pit of tar getting thicker as the minutes passed.
I never thought I would say this but I had just done the most unnatural thing in the world. Not to mention the most turbulent thing that could never happen in the world of human race.
I had stopped time.
I was doomed.
Posted by
Vanessa X
10:56 PM
Posted by
Vanessa X
7:09 PM
Wow don't you think this is an awesome drawing of Batman. Gotta love this hero, his so mysterious and moody. Umm... I found this drawing, don't kill me alright, I just love it. It's so freaking cool. Batman rocks! Well I found it in deviant art the artist is "testdrive". Dude you totally rock at drawing. Two thumbs up, yo!!
Posted by
Vanessa X
8:39 PM
Pikachu! No Way! Yeah this is my first blog. Nevermind the pikachu picture, I like it so what? I just desided to post it up. Got a problem? Just say in my face! Haha you can't! That's right! Anyways this is like my first blog and well I just decide to post up what's on my mind for now. Let's see Heroes is coming out @ 8:00 so I can't miss it for anything. Yeah! Heroes totally rolls! Whose watching it? Anbody? Man I love Heroes won't miss it for the world. Damn it I forgot, Have to finish my band scholarship. Fingers cross, I hope I get the scholarship. I truly need it for College. Jeez, can't believe it, I'm graduating in two months, years have gone fast. It feels as though I made it. Not quite though. But I'm proud of myself, gone through rough times, challenges, kodak moments and all that stuff. And look at me now, I'm about to graduate, Jeez, I can't believe it, years have gone in speed or something, ya know. I can yakity-yak all night long, but have to go, like I said have to finish a scholarship and watch Heroes! Yay! See ya peeps!
Oh yes one more thing, my sis might be joining me in this Blogger thingy. So get ready for alot of talking.
Posted by
Vanessa X
8:10 PM
no no ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ |